Has one of these business growth traps caught you?

You’re a little (or a lot) overwhelmed by all the tech, choices, networking groups, and coaching options available.
That’s 100% okay. You don’t need to figure this out alone anymore. After over a decade as a digital strategist, I’ve sorted through the noise and narrowed it down for you here. No more guessing, stressing, or trying expensive subscriptions that don’t work.

Cold calling and business growth clubs have left you feeling exhausted by strangers and sleazy sales tactics.
Let’s agree to never do that stuff again, okay? I break out in hives when thinking about the ’80s hairband biz strategy of showing up cold in some poor sucker’s lobby with shoulder pads and a flyer. (#RecoveringBanker).

You've wasted time in networking groups or trying to find referrals for people you don't really know.
I spun my wheels for years on the networking circuit, too. I did a lot of free work, supposedly “for exposure.” Which means I spent a full-time gig’s equivalent in weekly time growing everyone else’s business except my own through the power of referral-based marketing.
(Pssst…There were shoulder pads in that gig too.)

Maybe, you've been trying the Facebook marketing thing and feel like you're on stage, talking to an empty arena.
Don’t even get me started on the post-and-pray world of social media managers, weekly 500-word blog posts, $50 content writers, and so-called bulletproof Facebook ad funnels. Trust me – if there’s a “Marketing Hack” circa 2010 to be tried, I’ve probably done it. None of them work for more than 15-seconds.