Do Better Business™ with a Strategic Planning Consultant

Clear, focused, sustainable planning begins here.

Facilitated, in-person, 2-day business strategy retreat with your team.

Grab your spot today! Now booking for Quarter One, 2025.


Press pause on the day-to-day busyness of running your company. It’s time to face what’s next with strategic intention.

When we’re trying to build our businesses, it’s easy to spend all our time holding the hammer and lose sight of the design.

But seeing your vision become a reality is about more than the little details. Someone has to create the blueprints that keep everyone on track and working toward a common goal. 

That someone is you.

Coach and client having a consultation

The Do Better Business™ Strategic Planning Consultant-Led Retreat provides the space to shift from Doer to Designer, a role only you can fill.

This 2-day retreat is a strong container for creating what comes next—for a specific business area or the whole company.

Teams use this space to…

Create a 3-5 year plan for the sale of the company

Build a go-to-market strategy for a new product or line of business

Lay the foundation for a leadership development plan

Design a habit development plan to support a company culture shift

…And so much more! What are the long-term goals of your company? What does it need to realize its full potential and impact?

The Do Better Business™ Strategy Retreat is about giving yourself time.

Time to breathe.

Time to reimagine your dreams.

Time to realign with your team.

This unique 2-day intensive allows committed business leaders and their teams to pause and create an action plan for what comes next. 

Realign Consulting’s strategic planning consultant, Renia Carsillo, will work with you to map out a GPS-like plan for how to reach your long-term goals. You will learn how to let go of any static plans that hope for the best and replace them with one that adapts to your circumstances and changing needs.

What would it look like if you hit 2025 with a STRATEGY for sustainable growth and focused time for your business?

Together, we move beyond digital marketing strategies to create transformational and sustainable business systems.

You’ve never encountered anything like this immersion experience!

Unlock your potential with a strategic planning consultant. It’s time to build working on your business into your daily habits.

Are you looking back at the past year and realizing you hardly know where the time went?

Then it’s time for a business growth system you can count on.

A system that eliminates overwhelm and instead creates consistent results...

A system that helps you expand your customer base with ease...

A system that can be implemented immediately with a tangible action plan and other resources to keep you on track throughout the year...

Woman writing with marker on large paper pad

Have you been searching for a dependable, simple, and automated system to achieve your big hairy audacious goals for 2025 and beyond?


Then the Strategic Planning Consultant-Led Retreat is exactly what you’ve been looking for!

The framework that you will apply during this intensive has helped leaders just like you generate hundreds of new clients and millions in revenue.

These two-day strategic planning retreats have fueled the growth and sustainability of businesses such as…

  • Technology Companies,
  • Infrastructure Security Firms,
  • Service-Based Local Businesses,
  • Digital Services Companies,
  • Online Education Companies,
  • And more…
You’re going to learn the step-by-step process you can use forever to implement new systems and create strategies that work.
Client and coach laughing together

Renia will provide worksheets, templates, and free tools to remove all the guesswork and help you customize the perfect action plan for you.

Exclusively for Impact-Driven Founders. Those who place financial gain above all else need not apply.

This intensive experience is the rocket fuel you need to make 2025 your best year ever!

The Do Better Business™ Strategic Planning Consultant-Led Retreat is for you if…

You’re tired of playing guessing games and trying the latest business tool that doesn’t live up to its claims. You know you’re ready for a PROVEN business growth system that works for the long term.

You’ve taken advantage of some of our free resources, but you’re looking for a way to put it all together to meet your specific business goals.

You’re a business founder who’s stretched thin trying to do it all, unsure of how to get to the next step, and you’re determined to make 2025 the year your business starts moving forward again.

Ready to stop dreaming and start executing?

We get it, there are so many distractions. You’re tired, right?

Tired of putting your future on hold to put out fires...

Tired of spending the evening in front of your computer instead of with your family...

Tired of working with clients who don't light up your world and bring you joy...

What would happen if you carved out a few days dedicated to creating a roadmap for the future?


What if you and your leadership team had focused time to realign your goals and dreams?

Imagine what that work could do for you! Imagine spending two whole days, one-on-one or with your team with a Facilitator who’s dedicated to YOUR needs.

No more doubt, confusion, or “What if’s”… Just a proven system that provides the strategy behind bold action.

Are you ready to take advantage of the single most powerful business-changing tool we have to offer?

Strategic Planning

What does the strategic planning process look like?

The intensive is a two-day immersion experience designed to kickstart the new year. The structure looks like this:

Your Business

First, help us learn the ins and outs of your business and its people with our intake forms. They’ll help you lay out all of your resources and areas in need of improvement.

Work With Renia

Then, spend two days, in-person, working with Renia one-on-one. You'll learn the steps to leveraging your strengths to make your dreams a reality.

A Custom Plan

Finally, you’ll receive a customized 2025 Strategy Action Plan just for your business, complete with an implementation calendar, so you’ll know exactly what to do and when.

Stop feeling confused and get a sustainable business growth plan that works for you.

You’re not alone, and you’re not broken. You just need the space to be the leader only you can be.

Too many founders and their teams spend their days feeling completely alone in their struggles, constantly sifting through different strategies and feeling lost.

Because of this loneliness and trial-and-error approach, they end up running out of time, money, passion, or confidence.

After seeing this happen over and over again, Renia decided it was time to do something about it. 

She decided it was time to leverage what she’s learned over a decade in business to create a consultant-led strategic planning retreat that guarantees results and puts fierce business leaders on the fast track to sustainable success.

Coach writing on sticky notes posted on a window

What is the role of a Strategic Planning Consultant, and why do I want one?

As a values-driven company committed to sustainable growth strategies, we understand the importance of strategic planning consultants in achieving long-term success.

The strategic planning process with Realign Consulting looks different because we know that business is always personal because of the impact businesses have on their communities.

We focus first on building up people and then creating systems to support them. This way, we create a safe container for innovation that does not threaten what you’ve worked so hard to build.

This is what you can expect from Renia as your strategic planning consultant:

Expert Guidance for Long-Term Success

When working with a strategic planning consultant, you gain access to a wealth of expertise in developing effective strategies for sustainable growth. Our clients benefit from Renia’s experience as a small business banker and her strengths with identifying patterns and creating efficient, sustainable systems.

Collaborative Team Approach

We believe that successful strategic planning requires the involvement of key team members, including the founder/owner and other stakeholders. By working closely with your team, Renia ensures that everyone's insights and perspectives are taken into account during the strategy development process.

Competitive Advantages Analysis

A key aspect of strategic planning is identifying and leveraging your competitive advantages. Through comprehensive analysis, including SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats), Renia helps you uncover your unique strengths and positions your company for long-term success in the market.

Your Vision for Sustainable Growth

Together with Renia, you and your team will develop a compelling vision statement that aligns with your company's values and long-term goals. This vision statement serves as a guiding beacon, inspiring your team and providing a clear direction for future actions.

Testimonials from Past Participants

Lisa Hannon Testimonial Headshot

“I’ve worked with Renia for over three years now. She started out as my web strategy person but has become much more. She is really more a coach, teacher, and cheerleader for us. I first went to Renia for copywriting, then for website help, but I think her biggest value is as a strategist. If you don’t know where to go from where you’re at or how to take the next step, Renia is the person you need on your team.”

Lisa Hannon

President, Mrs. Grout

Jovan Miller Headshot for Testimonial

“When we first started working with Renia, I was frustrated with our web presence and felt confused about what to do next. Renia helped me to understand my target customer better, streamline our branding, and helped us to rank for stuff that makes sense for our business…Renia helps us a lot with our online marketing, but what matters most to me is that I feel like we are working with a true partner.”

Jovan Miller-Zeller

CEO, Robert Miller Tree Care

Do I qualify to be a part of a Do Better Business™ Strategic Planning Consultant-Led Retreat?

Before you commit to anything, you’ll have a call with Renia to find out more information and to answer the question, “Are we a good fit?” This helps to ensure that every person participating is 100% committed and ready for this type of intense focus. There’s an element of a mastermind program here, which means showing up – physically and mentally – is essential to everyone’s success. 

Beyond that, here are the basic requirements all applicants must meet:

women writing plans on paper and sticky notes

You need to be able to step away for two whole days.

You’re a business founder who’s stretched thin trying to do it all, unsure of how to get to the next step, and you’re determined to make 2025 the year your business starts moving forward again.

You need to have all decision-makers in your company commit to the program.

This is a business-wide transformational approach, and it won’t work without all of your leaders on board.

You need to be willing to be open and vulnerable.

We will be digging deep into problem areas and untapped opportunities. You need to be willing to shift goals, perspectives, and attitudes within your company and within yourself.

You need to be ready to commit to the work needed for transformation.

Creating the Strategic Plan is just the beginning. New practices take time to become habits, and new habits take time to impact sustainable change. It takes perseverance to reach the summit.

Does this sound like you?

Yes! I’m ready to take massive action for a sustainable business plan in 2025.

If we decide we are a good fit we’ll reach out to schedule the dates for your Intensive.

Meet Renia Carsillo, your Coach and Strategist.

Renia Carsillo jokes that she is physically allergic to marketing hacks and get-rich-fast growth strategies. Instead, her business philosophy combines heart-centric marketing with grounded processes and sustainable systems.

Renia Carsillo, in a teal shirt smiling at the camera

She knows founders are uniquely positioned to create a kinder, more equitable world.

Renia views her role as a business strategist as an expert who supports founders in a mission only they can fulfill. Not as a director, but as a partner. Not as a leader, but as a guide. 

What could you accomplish with a dedicated partner who takes your business personally?

"Good strategists are to business as good doctors are to the body: Partners in healing and thriving. We know it does harm to abdicate our knowing to a doctor. The same thing is true in our businesses. We must demand partnership with our practitioners, not follow them as if they were omniscient."

Frequently Asked Questions

What does a strategic planning consultant do?

A strategic planning consultant helps businesses set clear and measurable goals with a detailed plan for how to achieve them. 

Some companies use a strategic planning consultant to create their annual plan each year. Others work with one for specific needs at specific times. 

Many businesses hire strategic planning consultants to help with business growth. They can also assist in developing a plan for an internal culture shift, a change in ownership, launching a new product or service, and much more.

What does a strategic plan look like?

A strategic plan presents the specific long-term goals of a company and the strategies and specific tactics you will use to achieve those goals. 

For example, suppose one goal is to increase sales of a particular service by 15% over the next 12 months. In that case, the plan will include tactics like setting up a CRM, creating targeted ads, or optimizing a landing page. The plan will also include dates for when specific tasks should be completed and each person’s role in keeping things on track.

Why should I use a consultant for business strategic planning?

A strategic planning consultant can save you time and money by leveraging their experience to help you identify the best path to your goals.

They bring an objective perspective and unique expertise to the strategic planning experience. Look for a consultant who is trained and experienced in facilitating conversations between company leaders to create consensus around mission, objectives, goals, and priority projects.

A good consultant will help you identify the best next steps based on what has worked (or not) with other companies in similar situations with similar goals. They may also have access to or knowledge of resources your leadership has not yet been exposed to.

What should I ask a strategic planning consultant?

When interviewing a potential strategic planning consultant for your business, be sure to discuss their experience and approach to the planning process. 

How do they get teams with different personalities and priorities to work together? Do they have any experience with your industry or with similar companies? Do they specialize in the type of business planning you need help with? Can they show you examples of measurable outcomes they’ve helped other businesses achieve? 

During your conversation, be sure that the consultant listens well and demonstrates a willingness to search for answers if (when) your company presents with specific needs they may not have encountered before.

How often should a company revise its strategic plan?

We recommend that our clients update their plan once every 12-18 months and engage in shorter realignment reviews to make necessary adjustments in between. How often those reviews happen is specific to the client and could depend on how fast the company grows, leadership changes, etc.

What are the benefits of a strategic planning retreat?

Strategic planning retreats allow a company’s leadership team to focus on developing what’s next without the day-to-day distractions of running the business. 

This time is ideal for ensuring everyone is aligned with the same goals, which helps create a sense of responsibility for achieving them. Team members get to know each other better and build communication skills they will need in order to implement the mutually developed plan successfully.

What stage of business should I be in to participate in a strategic planning retreat with Realign Consulting?

Any stage of business can benefit from a strategic planning retreat, as each retreat is adapted to meet the needs of your particular business.

Established businesses bringing in consistent revenue are better equipped to make plans for the entire year. Startups will spend their sessions focusing more on methodology for testing and rapid realignments as their business progresses. Developing a sustainable, year-long strategy will come later once a solid foundation is established.

What does the Do Better Business™ Strategic Planning Retreat include?

In addition to the facilitated sessions, workbook, and final plan document, you will have an onsite “Retreat Mom” for both days. She will provide breakfast and special treats. You’ll be asked to provide lunch for your team and facilitators on both days, though we typically eat together in the strategic planning area. 

Travel expenses for the facilitator and your “Retreat Mom” and any fees for the retreat location are not included. We typically recommend booking a well-located short-term rental (like an Airbnb) for your sessions. This provides convenient lodging for your traveling participants, a common area for meetings, and a kitchen for meal prep. Realign Consulting’s project manager will help facilitate booking a location for your retreat at your request.

How should I prepare for a strategic planning retreat?

You’ll be asked to complete and/or gather paperwork ahead of time to help us lay the groundwork for the heavy lifting we’ll do while we’re together. These things include…

  • Our Strategic Planning Survey, which helps us get to know the unique aspects of your business.
  • A SMART goals worksheet, which gives us an idea of where you’d like your business to be in the future.
  • Personality assessments for everyone on your leadership team so that we can begin to pick out your core strengths.
  • Your monthly P&L statements to get a better idea of areas to focus on during the intensive.

We also suggest you and your team get a good night’s sleep a few days beforehand, along with some exercise and meditation, if that’s your jam. The Do Better Business™ Strategy Retreat can get pretty intense. So it’s best to go into it with a refreshed and open mind.

Strategic Planning

Get the guidance, accountability, and support you need to fuel the growth and impact of your business.

Copyright © 2024 Realign Consulting

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