Are you tired of bro marketing, manipulative algorithms, and sales funnels that encourage you to ‘trip’ a prospect to make her buy more? Then you’re in the right place.
On Small Stage, Big Impact veteran digital strategist, Renia Carsillo, combines solo teaching episodes with interviews to help you learn how to build a sustainable, people-first digital strategy that works for your business. Along the way, she speaks to digital activists, upstart developers, badass content creators, brave community leaders, and other behind-the-scenes folx you probably haven’t heard on a podcast before. To help you answer one important question:
How do we do better digital (#DoBetterDigital) so we can be better humans?
Search Engine Marketing is essential to a sustainable marketing strategy. But how do you ensure that your SEM is values-driven?
In the last episode, Â we talked about the advantages of an SEO marketing strategyover one driven by social media.Â
This week we are taking a deeper dive into Search Engine Marketing (SEM). We will explore how to optimize this platform and #DoBetterDigital.
In 2021, the search engine is its own platform. It requires a specific engagement strategy to be effective.Â
And when it comes to the Trinity Principle, I highly advocate that search be your primary marketing platform.Â
Search Engine Marketing doesn’t come without flaws. But it also has some major benefits when compared with social media:
- Search is generally a more level playing field, especially for small and micro-businesses.
- The intentionality you put into search produces higher, longer-lasting dividends.
- Over time, search requires less hustle for bigger, more sustainable results.
In a 2021 world, you can’t afford NOT to focus on Search Engine Marketing.
In today’s episode, we’ll discuss exactly where to put your focus to get the most out of SEM.
I’m giving you a list of nine best practices for effective SEM. As always, these practices will help you grow your business while staying true to your values.Â
I’m covering a lot of information in today’s episode, including some technical jargon. To help you keep track of the details, my team is sharing the cheat sheet that we use with each of our clients. Download your SEM cheat sheet here.
Are you ready to increase your visibility on the internet and build a more sustainable business?
Listen to episode 57 now!
In episode 57 of Small Stage, Big Impact we discuss:
- [6:04] The good and the ugly of SEM when compared to other platforms.
- [12:07] How to use a small ad budget strategically and carefully for greatest effect
- [15:02] How Youtube videos can help your search rankings, especially when they are optimized
- [17:11] The vital role of local search, even for online businesses
- [20:45] Why you shouldn’t overlook Google Shopping if you have product
- [22:00] The importance of moving beyond keywords and connecting with intent
- [25:05] How intentionally used rich snippets can bring you better traffic
- [27:15] Why you should check your Core Web Vitals on a regular basis, especially if traffic has decreased
- [30:06] How to increase your ranking on Google by using the acronym E.A.T.
- [34:25] When you should consider if a non-Google SEM strategy is worth a look
Resources mentioned by Renia in the episode:
- Download your Search Engine Marketing cheat sheet for today’s episode: https://realignyourstrategy.com/sem-cheat-sheet-opt-in-landing-page/
- Revisit our episode on SEM best practices.
- Learn why three platforms are all you need with the Trinity Principle.
- Learn how to optimize your YouTube channel with these past episodes:
- Review the importance of a #DoBetterDigital copy-first marketing strategy:
- Read more about E.A.T. and Google’s search engine ranking factors.
- Leave a review on iTunes.
- Connect with Renia on LinkedIn.
- Email Renia with questions or feedback.
- Don’t miss an episode of season 5 of Small Stage, Big Impact.
Search Engine Marketing is essential to a sustainable marketing strategy. But how do you ensure that your SEM is values-driven?
In the last episode, we talked about the advantages of a search-based marketing strategy over one driven by social media.Â
This week we are taking a deeper dive into Search Engine Marketing (SEM). We will explore how to optimize this platform and #DoBetterDigital.
In 2021, the search engine is its own platform. It requires a specific engagement strategy to be effective.Â
And when it comes to the Trinity Principle, I highly advocate that search be your primary marketing platform.Â
Search Engine Marketing doesn’t come without flaws. But it also has some major benefits when compared with social media:
- Search is generally a more level playing field, especially for small and micro-businesses.
- The intentionality you put into search produces higher, longer-lasting dividends.
- Over time, search requires less hustle for bigger, more sustainable results.
In a 2021 world, you can’t afford to NOT focus on Search Engine Marketing.
In today’s episode, we’ll discuss exactly where to put your focus to get the most out of SEM.
I’m giving you a list of nine best practices for effective SEM. As always, these practices will help you grow your business while staying true to your values.Â
I’m covering a lot of information in today’s episode, including some technical jargon. To help you keep track of the details, my team is sharing the cheat sheet that we use with each of our clients. Download your SEM cheat sheet here.
Are you ready to increase your visibility on the internet and build a more sustainable business?
Listen to episode 57 now!
Also Available on YouTube with Custom Captions for Non-Hearing
Episode 57 Recap
- [6:04] The good and the ugly of SEM when compared to other platforms
- [12:07] How to use a small ad budget strategically and carefully for greatest effect
- [15:02] How YouTube videos can help your search rankings, especially when they are optimized
- [17:11] The vital role of local search, even for online businesses
- [20:45] Why you shouldn’t overlook Google Shopping if you have product
- [22:00] The importance of moving beyond keywords and connecting with intent
- [25:05] How intentionally used rich snippets can bring you better traffic
- [27:15] Why you should check your Core Web Vitals on a regular basis, especially if traffic has decreased
- [30:06] How to increase your ranking on Google by using the acronym E.A.T.
- [34:25] When you should consider if a non-Google SEM strategy is worth a look
Resources Mentioned in Episode 57​
- Download your Search Engine Marketing cheat sheet from today’s episode.
- Revisit past our episode on SEM best practices.
- Learn more about Values-Driven Marketing, how it works, and why it matters.
- Discover the 5 Principles of a Sustainable Marketing Strategy.
- Learn why three platforms are all you need with the Trinity Principle.
- Learn how to optimize your YouTube channel with these past episodes:
- Review the importance of a #DoBetterDigital copy-first marketing strategy:
- Choosing a Copy-First Digital Strategy in a Video World
- CTAs That Work
- Blogging in 2021 (And Beyond)
- Read more about E.A.T. and Google’s search engine ranking factors.
- Leave a review on iTunes.
- Connect with Renia on LinkedIn.
- Email Renia with questions or feedback.
Sometimes our show notes contain affiliate links. We only recommend books, products, or services we feel great about and believe will support you in your work. These small commissions help pay for the production of our show each week. We do not accept show sponsorships or host guests in exchange for compensation of any kind. Thank you for supporting us by using our links to purchase when we’ve recommended something that piques your interest.
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Small Stage, Big Impact is hosted by Renia Carsillo (that’s me!). I am hardcore passionate and committed to bringing the systems and strategies that give big brands an unfair advantage to local businesses. For that reason, I created the Local Rock Star Intensive, where I help local business owners use their small stage to have a BIG impact. Thank you for being here and reading this far!