Are you tired of bro marketing, manipulative algorithms, and sales funnels that encourage you to ‘trip’ a prospect to make her buy more? Then you’re in the right place.
On Small Stage, Big Impact veteran digital strategist, Renia Carsillo, combines solo teaching episodes with interviews to help you learn how to build a sustainable, people-first digital strategy that works for your business. Along the way, she speaks to digital activists, upstart developers, badass content creators, brave community leaders, and other behind-the-scenes folx you probably haven’t heard on a podcast before. To help you answer one important question:
How do we do better digital (#DoBetterDigital) so we can be better humans?
What is “the new normal” when it comes to your business strategy? As millions of people are heading back to work every day, keeping them safe is an essential consideration.
Now more than ever, you need to consider how you’re protecting employees. What are you doing to cultivate a culture of safety in the workplace? If you haven’t thought about it yet, now is the time.
To help you better understand workplace safety, I brought on Dave White. Dave is the co-owner and CFO of Quad City Safety, a midwestern based distributor of PPE and other safety equipment.
Dave speaks candidly on empowering employees to be safe.
He talks about why your people and their safety should be a top priority.
He shares how you can hone in on being a thought leader for your customers. A big way to do this is by giving them direction. You want to offer them clear safety guidelines as they begin to re-enter retail spaces.
This episode has a wealth of impactful tips so be sure to take notes!
In episode 23 of Small Stage, Big Impact we discuss
- [4:47] What it’s been like to figure out how to manage safety during the Covid pandemic
- [8:43] The things you need to be aware of when providing protection for your employees
- [13:47] Why it’s crucial to be a thought leader for your customers and give them direction for safety guidelines
- [15:14] What it means to create a culture of safety and how to start the process of creating it
- [22:20] How focusing on people and profit can have the same end goal
- [24:27] The tension between existential and long-term protection strategies
- [28:25] How to empower your employees to be safe
- [34:01] The argument that people have for investing in safety and the ROI of protecting your employees
- [38:27] Where to get help if you’re unsure of what the right protection is for your employees
- [41:26] How your employees really want to know someone is looking out for their best interest
- [43:29] What Dave hopes you’ll take away from his advice
- [47:12] How to know if a supplier you’re looking at is apart of a safety network
Resources mentioned by Dave and Renia in the episode:
- Safety Network
- Connect with Dave:
- Learn more about Dave’s company Quad City Safety: https://www.quadcitysafety.com/
- Get pandemic safety solutions for your workplace: https://www.quadcitysafety.com/pandemic-solutions
What is “the new normal” when it comes to your business strategy?
As millions of people are heading back to work every day, keeping them safe is an essential consideration.
Now more than ever, you need to consider how you’re protecting employees. What are you doing to cultivate a culture of safety in the workplace? If you haven’t thought about it yet, now is the time.
To help you better understand workplace safety, I brought on Dave White. Dave is the co-owner and CFO of Quad City Safety, a midwestern based distributor of PPE and other safety equipment.
Dave speaks candidly on empowering employees to be safe.
He talks about why your people and their safety should be a top priority.
He shares how you can hone in on being a thought leader for your customers. A big way to do this is by giving them direction. You want to offer them clear safety guidelines as they begin to re-enter retail spaces.
This episode has a wealth of impactful tips so be sure to take notes!
Episode 23 Recap
- [4:47] What it’s been like to figure out how to manage safety during the Covid pandemic
- [8:43] The things you need to be aware of when providing protection for your employees
- [13:47] Why it’s crucial to be a thought leader for your customers and give them direction for safety guidelines
- [15:14] What it means to create a culture of safety and how to start the process of creating it
- [22:20] How focusing on people and profit can have the same end goal
- [24:27] The tension between existential and long-term protection strategies
- [28:25] How to empower your employees to be safe
- [34:01] The argument that people have for investing in safety and the ROI of protecting your employees
- [38:27] Where to get help if you’re unsure of what the right protection is for your employees
- [41:26] How your employees really want to know someone is looking out for their best interest
- [43:29] What Dave hopes you’ll take away from his advice
- [47:12] How to know if a supplier you’re looking at is a part of a safety network
Resources Mentioned in Episode 23
- Safety Network
- Connect with Dave:
- Learn more about Dave’s company Quad City Safety: https://www.quadcitysafety.com/
- Get pandemic safety solutions for your workplace: https://www.quadcitysafety.com/pandemic-solutions
Sometimes our show notes contain affiliate links. We only recommend books, products, or services we feel great about and believe will support you in your work. These small commissions help pay for the production of our show each week. We do not accept show sponsorships or host guests in exchange for compensation of any kind. Thank you for supporting us by using our links to purchase when we’ve recommended something that piques your interest.
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Small Stage, Big Impact is hosted by Renia Carsillo (that’s me!). I am hardcore passionate and committed to bringing the systems and strategies that give big brands an unfair advantage to local businesses. For that reason, I created the Local Rock Star Intensive, where I help local business owners use their small stage to have a BIG impact. Thank you for being here and reading this far!